Knowledge base

We aim to be with you in 48 hours from your call

I would like to add an additional bin to my service

That’s great, we would be happy to assist, we can provide extra bins for new waste streams to encourage recycling we can also provide an extra bin or larger one if you are at capacity.

There are over 20 recycling streams available to the average business in the UK including:-
CardboardDrink/Food Cans & CartonsBatteriesKitchen Waste
Confidential WasteCD’s and DVD’sPaintPrinter Cartridges
Plastic ContainersFurnitureBulbs/TubesWood

No, we do not use agency staff. We have a great team of our own staff in place and we wouldn’t want to change that.

No, we are a commercial service provider only

Yes, we accept all types of metal at our recycling facility in birmingham.  You will be paid per tonne based on the day’s market prices

We aim to be with you in 48 hours from your call